Our Approach

Why a new approach is needed

Despite the money being spent on traditional well-being ($7 billion worldwide), stress is still increasing (Gallup 2023).

Memory, collaboration, and productivity decrease when people are stressed, and increase when they have a clear mind (DARPA).

Traditional paradigms of development and well-being are not fit-for-purpose in today’s world. Understanding and leveraging psychological freedom is the new paradigm.


Life-changing people development

Leaders are overwhelmed and constantly being challenged to do more with less. But some simple changes to their understanding of psychological freedom can help people to be less stressed, which allows them to excel at work and at home.

Our definition of Psychological Freedom is: the ability to understand and objectively see our psychology to more consistently access our extraordinary performance and wellbeing.

We run coaching and development programmes for employees and leaders that are designed following a research phase with each organisation. We also have ready-to-use programmes in some core areas to give greater access to people everywhere.

Participants’ feedback includes:

“I am a better leader.”

“I am a better parent.”

“I am a better human.”

We always help people to understand the Human Fundamentals: Maintaining Peak Performance in Business, i.e. the way our minds work. When we don’t understand these fundamentals then everything that follows is misaligned or incorrect, and this leads to stress. When we understand the Human Fundamentals it paves the way for a more effortless and fast transformation in people and business.

Work doesn’t have to be a struggle. It should and can be a great source of purpose and wellbeing.

When we don’t understand how humans work, and how life ultimately works, we find it harder to bounce back and feel and perform at our best. Helping leaders to see this new approach is life-changing for individuals, transformational for teams and game-changing for organisations.

The Science of Peak Performance and Well-being

We draw on the science of human potential in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, leadership and business.  We have unearthed what’s really required to feel our best and perform at our best in business.  

You can read more about the science here:

Free content: Well-being Reimagined: Dissolving stress and becoming burnout-proof

How often are you experiencing exceptional well-being?

For most of us, the answer is not enough as we commonly experience burnout, stress, and overwhelm. Yet how can we hope to experience well-being when we don’t understand where it comes from?

This mini-workshop will show you how the human operating system works and introduce you to the inbuilt psychological immune system that we all have at our fingertips when we know how we work.

We will:

  • Provide you with a grounding in the foundations of subtractive psychology, which focuses on taking the weight off the mind, enabling you to access greater well-being more of the time.

  • Help you see that you do not need to be a victim to your circumstances but can access your innate mental health no matter what life throws at you.

  • Take inspiration from how professional athletes achieve their peak state.

Based on the foundations of flow neuroscience we will look at how to move your performance and well-being in an upward trajectory on an ongoing basis and tap into flow enabling you to really go further, faster with a lot less frustration.

We will dispel myths around the constantly on corporate culture and consider how to become burnout-proof.

You will leave with:

  • The understanding of the real source of stress

  • An active recovery plan

Feeling overwhelmed at work? Take our Leadership Stressors quiz to identify areas where you can improve your workload management, boost confidence, and reduce stress levels.